Friday, 5 June 2009

Doctor Pon's first piece of hate mail

Doctor Pon has recently started a Facebook account.

For those of you who don't know what a Facebook is, it's a massive book full of human faces. You open an account, and when you die your face is physically removed and added to this book.

You have to invite friends to join so that they can verify that you are not dead.

Someone told Doctor Pon that Facebook is a film where John Travolta becomes Nicholas Cage, but that doesn't sound very likely. He might have been thinking of Saturday Night Fever, where John Travolta becomes a dancer.

Using his Facebook account, Doctor Pon thought it would be funny to invite not only his friend (who sometimes uses the pseudonyms Phat Millips or Red Matt) but also everyone else that he could find with the same name.

After about 4 requests, Doctor Pon got bored. However he was amused by the various captcha phrases which apperead, one of which was "Vietnam Hat".

Later on Doctor Pon tried again with a different name, adding a witty comment on each request.
One comment said "You look much bigger than you did at college. And didn't you used to be white? Perhaps you're a different Alex Dale from the one I knew" (name not changed to conceal identity)

Now not everyone realises that Doctor Pon is a cheeky scamp who loves nothing than a bit of mischief, and so the next day Doctor Pon recieved this reply:


Doctor Pon assumes he meant Fuck off.
And if so, it probably is the same person Doctor Pon knew from college.

If this article amused you, why not post a libelous comment?

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