Recently Doctor Pon left a link on a Michael Jackson fan website. It linked to Doctor Pon's Controversial Opinions. The heading was Was Jacko a mad paedo? - You decide.
Here are some of Doctor Pon's favourite comments taken from those sent to the website:
Ure a mad paedo not michael
Why can't you leave us to mourn our hero you imature man?
Michael wasn't a pediatrician, no matter what the papers said.
noone will be a better dance and sing like michael did he was a real hero not like some of those so called superstars wannabes more like michael jackson 4 ever
Who's bad? You are, you twat.
Michael may have had many problems, but let us not judge a man on his faults but on his achievements. For me at least he will be forever an innocent man-child.
man in the mirroe scared me as a child i thought it was about gosts. i don't like gosts but i seen one once in my beddroom i wish the gost of michael jackson would come back and haunt all those people who hated him and they are all jaealous becuase they cant moonwalk
I thought he was overrated, and frankly, everyone dies.
paedo or not, hes dead now
Perhaps the question should not have been 'Was Jacko a mad paedo?' but 'Was Jacko a Wacko Spacko?'