Friday, 1 May 2009

Swine Flu - What that?

Doctor Pon knows all about swine flu, and not just because he eats like a pig and lives in a pigsty (both according to his girlfriend). No Doctor Pon knows because he is a Doctor. Probably.

Swine flu is found in three main strains: Red swine flu, White swine flu and Sparkling swine flu. There is a mutation similar to Sparkling swine flu known as Schampagne flu, but this exists only in certain regions.

All give you a headache.

Some claim that these types of flu originated with the Shaolin Kung-Flu and have adapted over time.

Another theory is that all flu strains mutated from a single flu found in tree branches immediately above the nests of parasitic, dove-sized birds. This has become known as 'the one flu over the cukoo's nest' theory.

What to do:

If you contract swine flu, the correct procedure is to get quite ill. Dying is optional.


  1. Cock a doodle flu.

    That is what I was told to do if i start to feel a bit ill.

  2. 5 kids caught it in SE london! i heard they caught it from the pig 'n mix at peckham cinema
